
英語学習とプログラミング学習を合体させた “ひと粒で2度おいしい” カリキュラムが登場!


English Japanese translation


Below is the English/Japanese translation of the introductory part of “Inclusion”.



This is a tale of two villages: The Farming Villagers to the East and the Fishing Illagers to the West. Both towns had enough food and neither saw a reason to interact with their neighbor. This led to both towns fearing anyone or anything that was different.



And so the Villagers and Illagers continued on the same way they always had, even as the world changed around them, until eventually the changes in their world could not be ignored.



The Villagers could no longer seem to grow enough crops, and the Illagers found their fish supply dwindling. Neither town knew any other way to survive, and yet they were both too afraid to turn to their neighbor for help.



Today the Villagers and Illagers are still struggling with hard times. Perhaps, with your help, they can learn to value their differences and find a new way forward… together.

今でも村人と邪悪な村人たちは苦しい時を過ごしています。もしかすると、あなたの助けがあれば、彼らは自分たちの違いに価値を見出し、新たな道を共に歩むこともできる… かもしれません。



You’re here! Thank you so much for coming! The villages need your help. It will be hard work, but you won’t have to do it alone. My small friend, the Agent, will help you through the power of coding!

到着したんですね! 来てくれて本当にありがとう! 村はあなたの助けを必要としています。大変な仕事になりますが、一人でやる必要はありません。私の小さな友人 Agent がコーディングの力を使ってあなたを助けます!


However, before you begin, you must decide how you will communicate with the Agent. Choose a coding language from the buttons below. If you’re new to coding, I recommend choosing MakeCode Blocks.

その前に、Agent との対話方法を決める必要があります。以下のボタンからコーディング言語を選択してください。コーディング初心者の場合は、MakeCode Blocks をお勧めします。


Excellent! You can now instruct the Agent to perform tasks! Try coding the Agent to move four spaces forward to the gold block.

Press “C” or tap the Agent icon when you’re ready to get started.

すばらしい! これで Agent にタスクを実行するよう指示できるようになりました。Agent を 4スペース前進させてゴールドブロックまで移動するようにコーディングしてみてください。

開始準備ができたら「C」を押すか Agent アイコンをタップしてください。
